Contact Us
Contact: Emerald Lakes Real Estate
Rick Golden, Broker
570-517-2428 Office phone
570-242-5412 cell
USA Realty – Pocono Office Location
3076 Valhalla View
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
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Here is how you can contact us here at Emerald Lakes Real Estate and Poconos Real Estate with questions about homes or land for sale in the community.
If you are interested in selling your home, let us know.
If you are interested in buying and would like suggestions on which house will suit you best …. send a description of the ideal home and we will send you suggestions of those closest to your criteria. We have helped over 135 clients purchase or sell a home in Emerald Lakes in the Poconos Mountains of PA.
Emerald Lakes Real estate is part of the Poconos Real Estate Family of websites, owned by USA Realty established in 1978. We have helped over 1400 families find or sell their homes.